1) Create an account at Mapbox in order to generate an access token. https://account.mapbox.com/auth/signup/
2) Log in to Mapbox and choose "Create a map in Studio".
3) Then select "New style" in Mapbox Studio.
4) Choose a suitable style template, e.g. "Streets", then click "Customize Streets".
5) Fetch data from the API. This query for instance generates a zipped Shape file containing positions of the City bike stations in Stockholm.
https://openstreetgs.stockholm.se/geoservice/api/DIN API-NYCKEL/wfs/?version=1.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=od_gis:CityBikes_Punkt&outputFormat=SHAPE-ZIP
6) Pan to Stockholm on the map.
7) Choose "Layers" in the upper left corner and click the plus sign.
8) Choose "Upload" data" and locate the downloaded zip file from step 5 and click "Confirm".
9) Once the upload is complete, go to Source och choose the CityBikes layer beneath "Unused Sources".
The information will be presented as a layer with a dark overlay. Don't worry, this will not be dark in the finished map.
From here you can, for instance, rename the layer by clicking the pen next to the layer name. You can also change the name for the Style to something more suitable,
like Stockholm City Bike Visualisation. There is also a number of ways you can customise the layer appearance.
10) When you are done, click "Publish" to save the updated version of your map.
11) Click "Styles" in the upper left corner to return to the page with your maps.
12) Click the three dots next to the style and choose details.
Then choose "Share" to explore alternatives to integrate and share the map with others.
13) Alternatively, the map can be displayed using Leaflet in a web page. Use the code available here as a starting point: https://leafletjs.com/examples/quick-start.html. Använd sedan URL:en nedan för att inkludera din karta i Leaflet-behållaren. På så vis kan en demo enkelt visas i en mobilenhet
14) Some great ideas for taking visualization of open data further can be found at: https://opendatabits.com/